Wednesday, September 29, 2010

MUST BREAK WORLD RECORD! PART ONE: If you want to try it please send this link to your friends. Or to the local press.

The Peewee March Tequila! If you don't remember how it goes a little something like this:

Now here is what we need to do:
Dress in the grey suit complete with red bow tie or if you want to support Peewee and give him money and I will you can buy this shirt on his website:
Or you can even dress up like a cast member on one of his films or his show Peewee's Playhouse!
Bring Boom boxes, radios ect. And Blast TEQUILA! Then we all do the dance down the street it would be brilliant if we could get this going on the same day in many locations. Feel free to send this link to friends and even to Peewee, it would be wonderful if Paul would come.


All you have to do is go to you local courthouse and fill out the paperwork and get a hold of the local press and of course

All we have to do is set a date! I think November 9th, 2010 would be wonderful-it is my lucky day.

You might think I am silly, but I know you are but what am I?!

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